SignalSync is a puzzle-platformer game, the player plays as the role of Pocket Signal which can share their signal to connect and switch control to a receiver if they’re in a signal field. Let’s make a connection with the receiver to control and use their ability to resolve a puzzle and win a game! 

Basic Control

W - jump

A & D - to move

Tab - to switch your control to a receiver in a field

this game was made for New Year, New Skills Game Jam with the theme “Building Connections”

Also, I made this game as a zombie (er.. I mean solo dev)

Music (BGM) by: Pix - YouTube


SignalSycn - Demo (jam).zip 32 MB


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Fun little puzzle game. BREAD is proud of you.

Fun concept and interesting mechanics! (and bread)

Thank you so much! I appreciate it and hope a BREAD will bless you. 🍞


BREAD loves you too 🥖

Cool puzzle game! BREAD

Thanks! I knew everyone will like BREAD hehe